Lists of celebrities - Wiki English
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Lists of celebrities

A celebrity is a person who is widely recognized in a given society and commands a degree of public and media attention.

A celebrity is a person who is widely recognized in a given society and commands a degree of public and media attention. The word is derived from the Latin celebrity, from the adjective celeber ("famous," "celebrated"). Being a celebrity is often one of the highest degrees of notability, although the word notable is mistaken to be synonymous with the title celebrity, fame, prominence etc. As in Wikipedia, articles written about notable people doesn't necessarily make them a celebrity.

The following are lists of celebrities:

This article uses material from the Wikipedia English article Lists of celebrities, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license ("CC BY-SA 3.0"); additional terms may apply. (view authors). Content is available under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless otherwise noted. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses.
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